Homework Help

Starting in October, 2024, the library will once again offer Homework Help appointments for any students in grades Pre-K through 12 who need help with their assignments. Appointments are strongly encouraged, but walk-ins will be welcome if/when time allows. To schedule an appointment or for any questions, please call the Teen Room at 732-745-5108 x22 or the Reference Desk at 732-745-5108 x20.

The Fall 2024 schedule starts October 8, and ends on December 5. Some schedule details are still in progress, but please feel free to call to request an appointment. The one-hour appointments will be held during the following times:

  • Tuesdays at 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
  • Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Our Homework Helpers for this service are Rutgers University students, and are here through a partnership with the Office of Pre-College Initiatives and College Success. The mission of Rutgers' Office of Pre-College Initiatives & College Success is to assist college bound scholars and families with access and exposure to postsecondary opportunities and provide tutoring and mentoring to local elementary through high school students.

In addition, the Children's Room plans to offer Drop-In Homework Help for students in grades K-6 at certain times starting in early October. (The original start date has been delayed; available hours will be posted as soon as possible.) This service is provided by a Middlesex College Bonner student. Note that this homework helper's hours may change, so feel free to call 732-745-5108 x15 to check availability before coming in.

Udpates will be made on this page as soon as possible when new information is attained.