• Our Collection

    The New Brunswick Free Public Library has over 80,000 books, approximately 50 periodicals, and at least one thousand DVDs, covering popular as well as educational topics and subjects. Collection suggestions are accepted in person, or by phone or email.

    The table below summarizes our circulation periods and renewal policy. Please note that renewals are only permitted if there is not already a hold request currently on the item.

    Item Type Loan (days) Renewal
    New Books 14 None
    General Adult Books 14 One
    YA Books 14 One
    Children's Books 14 One
    Magazines 14 One
    Children's Magazines 14 One
    Literacy and ESL material 14 One
    Theatrical DVDs 7 None
    Non-theatrical DVDs 7 None
    DVD TV series 7 None
    Playaway (Children's) 14 One
    Playaway (YA) 14 One

    Adult Collection

    The adult collection contains classic and contemporary fiction, urban fiction, mysteries, science fiction, romance, and more. The non-fiction collection covers a wide range of subjects including a collection of test preparation and ESL books.

    Spanish Collection / Colección en Español

    The Spanish collection contains classic and contemporary fiction, non-fiction, and biographies. Non-fiction subjects with strong representation in the collection include: religion, spirituality, finance and business, cookbooks, health, pregnancy and parenting, and literature.

    La colección en español incluye ficción clasicas y contemporaneas, no-ficción y biografías. Libros de no-ficción con muy fuerte representación incluyen: religión, espiritualismo, finanza y negocios, libros de cocina, salud, embarazo y literatura.


    The library subscribes to various magazines, most of which can be borrowed. The library also subscribes to some periodicals which can be perused inside the library only. Please ask at the Reference Desk or call 732-745-5108 x20.

    Audio and Visual

    The library's DVD collection includes popular, independent, children's, foreign, and educational movie titles, as well as TV series. The library also has a small Audio Book collection, offering a variety of fiction and non-fiction titles on Playaways. (Playaways are audio book devices with titles already loaded – just insert a battery, connect your headphones/earbuds, and start listening.)

    Young Adult Collection

    The library's collection of young adult books contains both classics and contemporary novels. We also have a collection of Western comics and manga, as well as a selection of magazines for teens.

    Children's Collection

    The children's collection includes board books, picture books, and chapter books, as well as many non-fiction titles and magazines.

    Reference Collection

    Our reference collection contains a selection of volumes on a wide range of topics, from general encyclopedias to New Jersey history. The reference room also has a collection of microfilm and other resources, which you can learn more about by viewing the Local History and Genealogy page. To access our online databases, please go to our online resources page.

    Fine Free

    New Brunswick Free Public Library no longer charges fines on items that are returned late. Please visit this page for more details, or contact the Circulation Department at nbfplcirc@lmxac.org or 732-745-5108 x25 if you have questions.

    Payment Methods

    Payments for library bills (lost or damaged items, late fines from other libraries) can be made in cash or checks in the library or with a debit/credit card online with SmartPay. To pay online, you will need your library card number and its PIN. Contact the library if you would like to create or modify your PIN.

  • Reserving items

    Books and other items that are not immediately available at the New Brunswick Free Public Library may be reserved by filling out a request at the Reference Desk. The Reference Librarian will search for the material at all libraries within our consortium first, and, if not found there, within our Interlibrary Loan network.

    Patrons may also place holds on books through the online catalog using their library card number and PIN (if you do not know your PIN, please contact the Reference Desk at: 732-745-5108 x20). Borrowers will be notified by telephone or email when the material is available.

    Patrons are able to place their own Interlibrary Loan requests on JerseyCat, as well. This should only be done after searching all libraries within the STELLA online catalog. Only New Brunswick cardholders can use this service. Borrowers will be notified by telephone or email when the material is available.

    To place a request in JerseyCat, you simply search for an item, select the item you want, click the "Request This Item" button, and type in your information (including name, library card number, and a password you will create.) For more detailed instructions, you may download our patron request how-to guide.

    Please note: A limited time is allowed for pick-up once a borrower has been notified that requested material is ready for pick-up. (Typically, items are held for three days.)