The New Brunswick Free Public Library has access to databases to read past publications of The New Brunswick Daily Times, the Daily Home News, The Sunday Times, and the Home News Tribune. As of January 2023, we also have access to the Northeast Collection. More details below:
ProQuest Digitized Newspapers
Remote access available with a New Brunswick Free Public Library card number.
Click here to search this digitized newspaper archive of the Northeast Region, including our most local newspaper, The Home News Tribune (previously known under different titles), for the years listed here:
- The Daily Home News (1903-1970); New Brunswick, New Jersey
- The Home News (1970-1985); New Brunswick, New Jersey
- The Central New Jersey Home News (1985-1995); New Brunswick, New Jersey
- Home News and Tribune (1995-2009); East Brunswick, New Jersey
- Home News Tribune (2010 - Recent); East Brunswick, New Jersey
Tip: You can search by key words, and use the search tools to limit your searches to specific publications, date ranges, etc.
Recent Newspapers
Looking only for more recent publications? Visit this page to search just the Home News Tribune, or visit this page to search the Northeast Collection. This collection of digitized newspapers provides cover-to-cover access to content from 50+ recent newspapers, beginning with the year 2010. Every page image is full-text searchable, with present-day coverage delayed 3 months.
New Brunswick Daily Times & Daily Home News
This database allows you to search The New Brunswick Daily Times from the years 1871-1916 and the Daily Home News from 1887, 1889, 1903-1926. The Sunday Times is also included in the Daily Home News from 1916 through August 1930. Click here to search!
Search tips:
The newspapers were digitized at 400 dpi. You can choose to search by keyword or browse by date. Due to the nature of our microfilms and the limitation of automatic OCR (Optical character recognition) indexing, a significant amount of words were not recognized by the computer when creating this database. Therefore, if you are searching for “Elmwood Cemetery” or “George K. Parsell,” please try using part of the names/phrases like “Elmwood”, “George Parsell” or “Parsell” only, to get a better search result. Our staff continues to work on improving the accuracy of the indexing.
Viewing tips:
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the newspaper pages. After you click on the link on the result page, a PDF file will be opened with the search term highlighted. The search box on the left gives you a list of abstracts that contain your search term. You can close it to view the newspaper better, and click on the binocular icon on the left to bring the box back again. To view the full page of the newspapers, simply click the orange “View Full Page” button on the top of the page.
Printing and saving:
You can choose to print the full page or the current view of the page by clicking the printer icon in the tool bar. If you only want to print a specific article, you will need to save the newspapers first, open the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat Reader, and then select Tools > Select & Zoom > Snapshot Tool to highlight the article you wish to print. After highlighting the article, go to File > Print, and “Selected Graphic” should be automatically selected for you to print.
If you need assistance or have any questions, please call the Reference Desk at 732-745-5108 x20 or send an email to
Funding in part has been provided by the Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commission, Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, and the New Jersey Historical Commission/Department of State. The project was also made possible with the permission of The Home News Tribune, and the generous support of the New Brunswick Historical Society.
We would like your feedback on this database! Your comments will help us improve our services and support future historical projects. Please call 732-745-5108 x20, or send an email to
The library also has a subscription to the Northeast Collection. Click here to search this resource for things like marrriage announcements, birth announcements, obituaries, local sports action, news and more, for the years 1690 through 2011.